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Australian Design Group

Australian Design Group was formed in 1982, by a group of Canberra gaming enthusiasts interested in publishing EMPIRES IN ARMS. Initially designed by Harry Rowland when he was 13, EMPIRES IN ARMS had been lying moribund for years when it was resurrected by Greg and Harry in 1980 and then worked on by them both for the next 3 years. As well as Harry and Greg, the original group consisted of Eddy Black (neeZwart), Phil Clark, Michael Fisher, Neil Mackenzie, Avi Solomon, Michael Stott and Sheldon White all of whom contributed substantial time and money into producing EMPIRES IN ARMS. With much trepidation, EMPIRES IN ARMS was published in 1983. To ADG's surprise it proved an almost instant success, receiving a nomination for Game of the Year at Origins '84. It was licenced to the Avalon Hill Game Company in 1985 and is still selling strongly. Australian Design Group then went on to produce its international smash hit, WORLD IN FLAMES, winning Game of the Year, State of the Art, Best 20th Century Game and Game of the Decade awards. Since then, Australian Design Group has produced Days of Decision, Rub Out, World Cup Football, America in Flames and numerous WORLD IN FLAMES kits.

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