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Anansi Games

Anansi Games, LLC is the dream of Eric A. Kugler. He is tired of the uninspired games that are sold in the average mega-mart, the re-releases and constant versioning, and resorting to online auctions to try and find copies of the games that his best friend's dog ate when they were fifteen and he was sleeping over at that friend's house. They take their games very seriously. Actually, they take all games seriously. Games are an integral part of the way humans learn and communicate with one another. Games allow us to do things that we would otherwise never attempt, be it morality or circumstance that stops us. How many Americans would ever try to be real estate tycoons? And yet, how many have played a very popular real estate game created nearly a century ago? They believe that all games should have that type of longevity and do their best to only produce high-quality games.

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