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Amera Plastic Mouldings

They make and sell vacuum formed scale model dioramas, wargaming terrain, scenery and kits. The Future Zone is aimed at futuristic wargaming, for use with 25-28mm figures and includes buildings, trenches, craters, roads and much more to enhance gaming tables and scenes. The Fantasy Range has been specifically designed for use with 28mm fantasy gaming figures and includes hills, rivers, ruins, castles and general scenery ideal for wargaming. You will find both ranges have compatible 25-28mm figure products. Airfix have long been at the forefront of plastic kits, and they are pleased to work with them in producing a range of bases & kits . You will find more more products suitable for Airfix models in their 1/72-1/76 range and 1/32-1/35 range which contains items for wargaming or to simply display your figures. Their popular Islands & Harbours range is versatile and suitable for general wargaming whilst the 15mm scale diorama range has buildings and battleground scenery suitable for 15mm scale dioramas and battle games. To complement the products they offer a range of accessories, plastic bases and sheet.

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