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Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles Magic & CCGs

Dark Emperor (SDDE) has become known for including "Caius the Shadow Monarchis" which was complimented by the decks remove from play effects and theme. Sought after cards from this deck include Bottomless Trap Hole, Caius the Shadow Monarch and Dimensional Alchemist.

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21-29 of 29 Products

Sakuretsu Armor (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN033    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Samsara Kaiser (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN003    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Torrential Tribute (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN031    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


D.D. Assailant (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN017    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Dimensional Alchemist (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN002    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Dimensional Fissure (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN028    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN007    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Macro Cosmos (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN036    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles


Soul Release (Common)

By: Konami

Stock #: SDDE-EN021    Year: 2008

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: Yu-Gi-Oh - Structure Deck - Dark Emperor - Singles
