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Steamscapes Role Playing Games

Steamscapes is a new game setting for Savage Worlds. It is a realistic alternative historical approach to steampunk. As such, it contains many of the things you would expect in a steampunk setting - airships, automatons, electricity gone wild - but places them in a real-world context. The world of Steamscapes is recognizable but changed. You will find many familiar faces and places, but their roles are not always what you expect

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Steamscapes - North America

By: Four-in-Hand Games

Stock #: FIH10001

Product Line: Savage Worlds (Pinnacle/Great White Games)

MSRP $19.99

Steamscapes - Asia

Steamscapes - Asia

By: Four-in-Hand Games

Stock #: FIH10011

Product Line: Savage Worlds (Pinnacle/Great White Games)