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State Secrets RPG Role Playing Games

State Secrets is a complete table-top Role-Playing Game set in the early 2200's. It has over 50 character classes to choose from, a complete Psychic and Magic system, loads of Spy Toys and Dark Energy Gear and over 140 skills to choose from. It's a streamlined, easy-to-play game with a deadly combat system that lends itself to problem solving/mystery-type adventures, as opposed to hack-and-slash play (combat is intense and unpredictable; there are no super characters that are able to blast their way through dozens of bad guys). State Secrets uses the D20 system. The focus of play can be Espionage, Supernatural, Space Exploration, or any combination of the three; characters can move seamlessly between genres. There is detailed intelligence (cultural and political) concerning most major world powers and the global political climate in general. Other areas of interest mentioned are nuclear Hot Zones, Free Floating Cities, and general info on life in Space.