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MTG - Exodus Magic & CCGs

A young man alone in a cruel landscape, focused on a singular task. He must open an arcane portal before his comrades return from the dark fortress... if they return. He is just one man, but there is no force he cannot overcome. Except his fate. The Exodus expert expansion for Magic: The Gathering offers 143 new cards and concluded the Rath Cycle block.

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141-149 of 149 Products

Mirri, Cat Warrior (R)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Oath of Druids (R)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Oath of Lieges (R)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Price of Progress (U)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Reclaim (C)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Seismic Assault (R)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Soltari Visionary (C)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Survival of the Fittest (R)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus


Wood Elves (C)

By: Wizards of the Coast

Stock #: Exodus    Year: 1998

Type: CCG (Single)

Product Line: MTG - Exodus
