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MTG - Eventide Magic & CCGs

Just as the Shadowmoor set turned the plane of Lorwyn on its ear, the Eventide set distorts everything Shadowmoor established. Enemy colors combine and create new strangeness on hybrid cards. Wither, persist, and the untap symbol are back, and are joined by two new mechanics: chroma and retrace. Color matters more than ever in Eventide, and the new ability chroma puts an exclamation point on it. Chroma asks you to count up the number of mana symbols that appear in cards you're using—the more mana symbols there are, the more devastating the effect. Cards with the retrace ability take every land you draw for the rest of the game and turn them into weapons to abuse your enemies with. Eventide is the second set in the Shadowmoor block. It is a 180 card expansion with randomly inserted premium cards.