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MTG - Deckmasters Magic & CCGs

The Magic: The Gathering - Deckmasters box set showcases the ultimate battle of wits. Richard Garfield, the legendary creator of Magic, faces off against Jon Finkel, a Magic World Champion and legend in the making. Which one is smarter? Which one is sneakier? Which one will win? Play the decks they personally designed - decks specifically built to beat the stuffing out of each other - and decide for yourself. Two volitile decks, constructed by two explosive players. Get the message? Play with them. Learn from them. Hold the stuff of greatness in your hands. Deckmasters. The Ultimate battle. Over and Over again. The Deckmasters Garfield vs. Finkel boxed set comes with two 62-card prebuilt decks, each featuring two exclusive premium cards plus other white bordered Ice Age and Alliances cards. The set includes four exclusive black-bordered premium cards.