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Ghoulash - The Last Game on Earth Board Games

GHOULASHâ„¢ is a suspenseful game of high adventure in which you and your opponent race against time and each other on a series of quests, each one with its own set of thrills. In one scenario, the goal could be a fantastic treasure, while in another it could be food or medicine, or just an escape from danger! In each scenario you travel alone through hostile environments. There is a risk in every step you take. The greatest threat is the dreaded GHOUL, a monstrous mass of mayhem that would like nothing more than to tear you apart! GHOULASHâ„¢ is played entirely on paper, using specially designed charts. No dice, cards, spinners, combat formulas or movable pieces of any kind are used. All you need to play are the scenario charts (one per player) and something with which to write.