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Gear Krieg RPG Role Playing Games

Two-Fisted Pulp Roleplaying in a World at War! Our latest game line takes you back to the Second World War, but with a twist. Imagine for one instant that the wonders promised by visionaries and pulp writers became true - the conflict we remember would have had a much different, and deadlier face. Step into the world of the novels; step into the world of Gear Krieg. This action-packed RPG based on the 'historical' events of World War II. Though 'history' will be similar to actual events, the subtle (and not so subtle!) introduction of advanced technology and superscience will make the outcome of some of the battles quite different. Powered by advanced science, will the darkness of fascism spread across the world, or can brave men and women prevent it?

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1-8 of 8 Products

Gear Krieg the RPG

By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-504

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

MSRP $32.95


By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-509

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

MSRP $17.99

Gear Krieg Advertisement Poster

Gear Krieg Advertisement Poster

By: Dream Pod 9

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

Gear Krieg Demo Game

Gear Krieg Demo Game

By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-500

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

GM's Screen & Riddle of the Sphinx Adventure

By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-512

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

Heroes & Villains

Heroes & Villains

By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-513

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

Player's Handbook (2nd Edition)

Player's Handbook (2nd Edition)

By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-915

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG

Superscience Blueprint Files

Superscience Blueprint Files

By: Dream Pod 9

Stock #: DP9-508

Product Line: Gear Krieg RPG