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Europa (GDW) War Games

The largest war in history is the subject of the largest and most comprehensive wargame project undertaken: All of World War II in Europe, North Africa, and the Near East at divisional level with semi-monthly turns and a scale of 16 miles per hex. Using a common game system and interlocking maps, each game is playable separately or as a link in the full Europa™ series of games. This award winning series of games has been played since the 1973 release of "Drang Nach Osten" (now Fire in the East). Since then, an expanding array of games and modules have been published, covering Europe, North Africa, an d the Near East. From the Soviet Union's Ural Mountains to the Rock of Gibraltar in Spain. From the Norwegion Arctic to the Suez Canal. Europa™ puts YOU in command of the armies, navies, and air forces that fought the battles of World War II!