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Citadel Journal, The Miniatures & Games

The Citadel Journal is Games Workshop's very own bi-monthly fanzine, with great new articles, illustrations, house rules and scenarios by Games Workshop's most dedicated fanatics - YOU!!!

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#21 "Dark Elf Slave Warriors, Epic 40K"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#22 "Necromunda Scenarios, WFB Scenario - Shadow of the Horned Rat"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#24 "Blood Bowl Stadiums, WH Quest - Halfling Thief"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#26 "Kislevite Shaman Character for Warhammer Quest"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#27 "GorkaForta, Warhammer Scenario - Skies of Blood"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#28 "Missile Troop Tactics, Gorkamorka Bladerz"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#30 "Witch Hunters, Hacksaw Massacre"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

MSRP $7.99

#31 "DeathBowl, Desert Squigs, Warwick's World"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

MSRP $7.99

#32 "Warwick's World, Blood Bowl Cheerleaders"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#33 "Siege of Tor Alessi, Tank Shock, Operation Salvation"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

MSRP $7.99

#35 "Imperial Armour Catalogue, Knights & Dragons, Bounty Hunting"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#36 "Gorkamorka Scenario, Space Hulk"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#37 "WHQ Campaign - Tomb of Death, Da Mek Workshop"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#38 "Battlefleet Gothic - Severed Dreams, Gorskulls War Trolls"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#39 "Eldar Special Issue"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#41 "Genestealer Cults, Depths of the Black Rage, Imperial Armour"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#42 "The Chrysos Campaign, Dark Eldar Tactics, Chariot Racing"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

MSRP $6.95

#43 "Empire Crusader Armies, Rapier Laser Destroyer, Maximillian Weisemann's Baneblade"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

MSRP $6.95

#44 "Dwarf Lords, Goblobber, Long Drong's Slayer Pirates"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

#45 "Space Marine Special, Hele's Last Stand Scenario"

By: Games Workshop

Product Line: Citadel Journal, The

MSRP $6.95