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Ankur Role Playing Games Role Playing Games

The game focuses on two worlds; Nibiru (the collective name of the planet Nibir and its 4 moons) and Ki (Earth). They are forever linked by ancient cataclysmic events that shaped both worlds. Nibir, a wandering planetoid originally from the "Bow star" Sirius, entered our system and collided with Ki nearly 4 billion years ago. This event created the asteroid belt, and gave Ki it's current axial tilt and rate of spin. Due to this mingling, Ki was left with two moons and assumed its current orbit around the sun (Nuru-Zal). Nibir was sent hurtling into the void along a 3,600 year elliptical orbit around both suns of this binary "Zalar" system; Nuru-Zal & Etu-Zal. Yes, like most star systems, our sun also has a counterpart called Etu-Zal. It is a brown dwarf about 539 AU from Nuru-Zal and is virtually invisible from Ki (Earth). Both worlds developed life sustaining properties but every 3,600 years they would once again come near one another; causing planetary upsets.

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Ankur - Kingdom of the Gods

By: Chris Miller Games

Stock #: CMG01    Year: 2017

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Ankur Role Playing Games

Ankur - Kingdom of the Gods

By: Chris Miller Games

Stock #: CMG02    Year: 2017

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Ankur Role Playing Games