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APBA Baseball (1957 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (1981 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

(includes XBs)

APBA Baseball (1998 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

(includes complete 1998 player card set)

APBA Baseball (2000 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball - 1986 Teams (1987 Printing)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball 1940 Player Cards - Complete Set (1992 Printing)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Card Sets 1940-1959

(no envelopes)
(Envelopes notated, includes roster sheet)

APBA Baseball 1968 Player Cards - Complete Set (1969 Printing)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Card Sets 1960-1979

(envelopes notated)

APBA Baseball 1995 Player Cards - Complete Set

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Card Sets 1980-1999

(includes XB's)

APBA Baseball 2017 Player Cards - Complete Set

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Card Sets 2000-2019

APBA Baseball 2018 Player Cards - Complete Set

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Card Sets 2000-2019

APBA Baseball Game (1992 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball Game (50th Anniversary Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Pro Basketball (1969/70 Teams)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Basketball

APBA Baseball (1959 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (1975 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (1980 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (1995 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (1996 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (2011 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies

APBA Baseball (2014 Edition)

By: APBA Games

Product Line: APBA Baseball - Base Games & Supplies