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#222 "Sentinel, Mutie Attack!, Bommerz Over da Sulphur River"

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #201 - #250

Price Reduced

Product Info

#222 "Sentinel, Mutie Attack!, Bommerz Over da Sulphur River"
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NKG Part #



Eavy Metal: How to Paint a Lizardman Saurus

Tactica Imperialis II: This month is a bit of a cracker if you're an Imperial Guard Colonel, what with the release of all those lovely heavy weapons, the Sentinel and the Command Tower. Well we're not the sort of blokes to let up on a good thing, so here is the veteran Imperial Guard commander Nick Davis, with his view on how to get the best from your Guardsmen...

Sentinel!: Not content with the release of all those lovely heavy weapons teams, the Imperial Guard are being reinforced further this month by the release of the Sentinel scout walker. Striding across the battlefields of the 41st Millennium its assault cannon blazes a deadly trail into the heart of the enemy force...

Last Stand at Glazer's Creek: This month's battle report is inspired by the classic war film Zulu!, which recounts the tale of a group of British soldiers attacked by wave after wave of Zulus in 1879. In this battle the Praetorian XXIV Imperial Guard regiment would try to survive a series of relentless Ork assaults...

Green is Meaner!: Gav lets us in on how to pick Epic 40,00 Ork armies based on the Ork clans. Theming your Ork detachments to be part of an Ork clan gives them their own character and really makes them stand out on the battlefield…

Mutie Attack!: This month we dragged together the two creators of Digganoob, Gav Thorpe, who penned the rules, and Paul Muller, sculptor of both the Diggas and the Muties, to fight a battle between Paul's own Diggamob, Da Mashers and Gav's Muties, the Brethren of Magod...

Bommerz ova da Sulphur River: Waaagh! Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! Is the only possible way to start this article. 'Bommerz' is our exciting game of Orky bombing runs against the Imperial bridges on the Sulphur River…