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#204 "Warhammer Magic, Plague Marines, Wrath of Tlaxtlan"

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #201 - #250

Product Info

#204 "Warhammer Magic, Plague Marines, Wrath of Tlaxtlan"
Publish Year
NKG Part #



The Lance and the Arrowhead: Of all the warriors of the Warhammer World, only the Bretonnian Knights know how to fight and manoeuvre in the Lance formation. Their Commoner levy has also perfected a unique fighting formation, called the Arrowhead, that allows the maximum number of archers to draw a bead on an enemy...

Wrath of Tlaxtlan: The mysterious land of Lustria holds an almost irresistible lure to the men of the Old World. Legends of seven golden cities, and tales of pyramids filled with the riches and magical artifacts of ancient times abound…

The Merry Men of Bergerac: They seek him here, they seek him there, the Bretonnians seek him everywhere! So it is said of Bertrand le Brigand...

Plague Marines: The Death Guard Legion was one of the original twenty Space Marine Legions founded by the Emperor. During the Horus Heresy the Legion joined the rebel Warmaster Horus and took part in many battles against the Emperor's forces…

Room for Improvement: Making your adventures more individual has been a common theme throughout many of out Warhammer Quest articles. In previous issues we've looked at Monsters and Events, now we have a go at the Dungeon itself…