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#2 "Revelshire Fantasy Installment, The Tomb of Kexandran Adventure"

By: Judges Guild

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Pegasus Magazine

Product Info

#2 "Revelshire Fantasy Installment, The Tomb of Kexandran Adventure"
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NKG Part #
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This issue's interview is with Bob Bledsaw, Founder and Vice-President of the Judges Guild. Tom Zarbock presents a parts inventory to a magical artifact in his "ABC's of a Wand of Cold". Describing magic items is made easier with "You Find a Vial of Green Chunky Liquid... or What Does Your Treasure Look Like?" by Michael Callihan. Thomas A McCloud discusses the use of 3"x5" filing cards to describe magic items in "Magic Item Cards". Fiction in this issue comes in the form of "Quest Beneath Roglaroon" by R.K.Work and "God Tongue" by James Newsome. "The Emperor's Councel" presents a varient magic system by Germain Giner. Rudy Kraft presents new "Treasures of Runequest", while adventure abounds in "The Tomb of Kixandran" by Rusty Lamont. This time the 36-page City State Campaign installment has ben written by Scott Fulton and takes us to "Revelshire". Ken St.Andre, creator of Tunnels and Trolls, offers guidelines on setting up "T&T Armies". As usual, "All that Glitters..." is well stocked with a variety of unique and unusual treasures, as is "...And Things That Go Bump in the Night", and its menagerie of new and malignant creatures. "Gemstones and Their Powers," by Alfred Donovan and Soloman Rahlook TiAu'ssya, discusses the appearance and abilities of Stones usually taken for granted. "The Wizard Sword" by David Dougher describes the powers and construction of a mighty weapon useable by the powerful Wizards of a game.