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#233 "Eldar Attack in Battlefleet Gothic, Giants of Albion, Witch Hunters"

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP old price: $4.99

Product Info

#233 "Eldar Attack in Battlefleet Gothic, Giants of Albion, Witch Hunters"
Publish Year
NKG Part #



Regiments of Renown: They're large, smelly and lost. White Dwarf continues its series of exclusive, new Regiments of Renown for hire. This month Nigel Stillman peers into the misty realm of Albion and uncovers the legend of Hengus the Druid and two of the mightiest giants in Albion, Bologs and Cachtorr - who want nothing more than to go home...

Elfincourt: Would you like to create your own scenarios, but lack inspiration? Well, look no further than military history!

Burn the Witch: In the grim reality of the Old World, secret cults plot the coming of Chaos, Sorcerers meddle with dark magics and the Undead stalk the earth. But there are those who battle against the unnatural horrors of the Old World. They are the Witch Hunters…

Watch the Shadows: They're fast, deadly, and almost impossible to catch. Just when you think you've cornered them you realise you've fallen into their trap. Now the shadowy Mandrakes have been unleashed - Dark Eldar who crave nothing but flesh and blood…

Master of Blades: The Incubi are deadly warriors - their martial prowess is almost legendary. The most deadly of all is Drazhar, Master of Blades, who is released this month, just in time to protect the new Dark Eldar Lord…

De'Aynes Fighting Ships of the Gothic Sector: A brief treatise on Eldar ships known to have taken part in the conflict...

Fighting the Eldar: Tactics and dogma for the Imperial commander when engaging these most perfidious of aliens…

Hunter, Prey: The Raid on Vedyaria Outpost: The elegant and deadly ships of the Eldar are available for Battlefleet Gothic this month, so we thought we'd give them a run-out game…