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#225 w/Dungeonbowl Game

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #201 - #250

MSRP old price: $4.99

Product Info

#225 w/Dungeonbowl Game
Publish Year
NKG Part #



How to Paint: Orc Big 'Uns: How to paint an Orc Big 'Un mob for use on your battlefield…

Fortresses of the Warhammer World: There are thousands of fortresses throughout the Warhammer world, from the mighty stone forts of the Empire and graceful towers of the Elves to the ramshackle constructions of the Orcs. Nick gives us the lowdown on the different types of castle employed by the various races...

Da Dreads!: Dreadnoughts make brilliant centrepiece for any Warhammer 40,000 army and in the Ork army, they become a focus for the power of the Waaagh! On the battlefield. Adrian talks about how he put together his spectacular Dreadnought conversions…

Dungeonbowl: Blood Bowl goes underground! With updated rules, teleporters and exploding chests, this classic variation of Blood Bowl has returned…

Spaceship Battles - a set of test rules for what would eventually become Battlefleet Gothic. The rules are incomplete as it was still in testing and Games Workshop was looking for some free feedback from their customers.

Card components include:

2 pages of counters for the spaceship battles
2 pages of counters for Dungeonbowl