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#224 "Legion of the Damned, Titan Tactics, Chaos Cultists"

By: Games Workshop

Type: Magazine

Product Line: White Dwarf Magazine #201 - #250

Price Reduced
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Product Info

#224 "Legion of the Damned, Titan Tactics, Chaos Cultists"
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Legion of the Damned: The Legion of the Damned are an enigmatic force that appear as if from nowhere to help defeat the foes of the Imperium. That they were once Space Marines there is no doubt, though which Chapter they belonged to no-one now knows - apart from the Legionnaires themselves, and they are not saying...

Siegeworks: The Warhammer world has seen countless sieges and these desperate battles have made many a castle famous for their rugged defence and heroic defenders, but many others have fallen in the bitter struggle against their enemies. With the release of the new Warhammer Siege supplement, the awesome new plastic Warhammer Fortress and the Siege Defenders and Attackers boxed sets, you can now fight out these bitter battles on the ramparts of castles throughout the Old World...

First Encounters of the Warhammer Kind: All about training new players in the unbridled joys of Warhammer...

The Battle of Newbury Pass: A Warhammer scenario ideal for training new players…

The Siege of Castle Ravenburg: With the imminent release of Warhammer Siege, we decided that it was time to play a battle report featuring the new Siege rules. Gordon (formerly the Boss Troll in Mail Order) is a recent arrival in the Studio and helped Tuomas playtest the Siege rules…

Pit Slaves: What follows are the rules for using the new Pit Slave gang in your games of Necromunda. This means that you can now wreak vengeance on the Guilders that incarcerated you for so many years…

Lords of Battle: So, you want to know how to get the best from your Titans on the battlefield, eh? Well it just so happens that nice man Mr Compton says he has all the answers…