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Book of the Fantastical

By: Visionary Entertainment Studio

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Everlasting, The

Last Stocked on 11/1/2024

Product Info

Book of the Fantastical
Product Line
Steve Brown
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


You live in a fantasy world called 21st century Earth. You are not human; you are one of the ancient people. Your kind built great cities that have never been surpassed long before the world flood mentioned in the Bible. You have survived by blending in with humanity or by living separately from it. For you see, there are plenty of earthly places mere mortals do not know how to find or travel. Just outside the human cities are great castles, vast dungeon complexes, dragon lairs, dwarven subtropolises, aeries of giant eagles, and townships of the elven folk. Some humans, including a society of role-playing gamers, have become real adventurers, joining with elves, faerie, and dwarves on their expeditions.

Become an elf, one of the beautiful ones. You can become a Xeysori (technoelf), one of the Dru Galeeth (dark underground dwellers), one of the Karges (elves of fire and steel), one of the Lethquesti (elven nobles), or one of the Valmori (keepers of mythical beasts). You long to be free of your earthly existence, seeking the Bright City of Elanthia, but you have a duty -- you must guard against the Doomlands of the North.

Become a dwarf, a fearsome descendent of Neanderthal man. Your people have been long divided since many of your best warriors became agents of the Princes of Fire (chaos) and the Lords of Stone (order). You can join them or serve as one of the Hammerguard, the Or'Valderis, protecting all from those of your people who now serve other causes. Your people have a great advantage; your technology is far superior to that of humankind.

Become a faerie, forever trapped in a quixotic reality of your own imagination. You are called "fey" for you are a powerful, extra dimensional force, forever moving toward some metamorphosis into something even beyond faerie understanding. You can be a red cap who slays humans, a storm giant who walks among the storm-filled sky, a banshee who travels the realms of the dead, a faerie knight adventuring for his queen, or anything else you can imagine.

Best yet, you can become a dragon, one of the ancient races that fathered the first civilizations, the creators of the dinosaurs, and the destroyers of it all. You can be the most powerful of all the eldritch -- the creature that questers and mythic gods fear. You can walk the earth clothed in human form, but you can dracomorph into your ultra deadly true form when dragon slayers come calling.