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Invasion of Sicily, The

By: Panzerfaust Publications

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: War Games (Panzerfaust Publications)

Product Info

Invasion of Sicily, The
Harold Totten
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The Mapsheet consists of four sections showing the island of Sicily, in light and dark blue and light and dark brown on white paper, 19" x 27" assembled. The Combat Results table (from 1-4 to 7-1), Terrain Effects chart (six types), Time Record track (12 four-day turns), Unit Designations Within Divisions chart (initial Axis), German Order Of Battle chart (reinforcements and "What If?" units), and Allied Order of Battle chart (initial and reinforcements) are all printed on the mapsheet. The starting Axis locations for the historical scenario are printed on the map, as are the historical and alternate Allied landing sites.

The Rulebook assembles into 8 pages. Front is picture, title and credits. Second page is historical info ("Introduction"). The next four pages are rules and victory conditions. Then 1/2-page of (six) alternate scenarios, 1/2 page of designer's notes, and 1/2-page of bibliography (on the last page, with instructions for assembling the mapsheet).

Units are mostly regiments and brigades (or similarly-sized kampfgruppen), with some battalions, some Italian divisions, and an Army HQ for each army (4). There are 120 of the 1/2" counters -- 22 Americans (olive green, 3 are battalions, 1 is Army HQ), 18 British and Canadians (dark olive green, 1 is Army HQ), 39 Italians (yellow, 3 are divisions, 11 are battalions, 1 is Army HQ), 25 Germans (tan, 1 battalion, 1 Army HQ), and 16 blanks, some of each color. The mounted counters are unique in that the full-strength side is printed on what is normally considered the back of the counter.