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Eastern Front Deck

By: Moments in History

Type: Collectible Card Game (Deck)

Product Line: Tank Commander

Price Reduced
Price Reduced
Price Reduced

Product Info

Eastern Front Deck
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Eastern Front Deck is sold in Playing decks of 60 cards each.

Tank Commander is a simple tactical level card game of warfare with each card representing an individual tank, squad, gun and gun team, etc. There are terrain cards representing all forms of terrain that can be used to build custom scenarios. Also in the mix are special cards like minefields, Panzerfausts, Flank Shots, Snipers, Mine Dogs, Artillery barrages and counter barrages, air strikes, etc. Even though this is a CCG, it plays well with a few starter decks. Deck building is point based with a value assigned to each card so it's not necessarily to one's advantage to have a bunch of high value cards. Also, the rarity mix in the set was supposedly based on the availability of the actual equipment in WWII on the East Front. There are plenty of good common and uncommon cards that are best used to build a deck.