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#1 "Babylon 5 Scenario, Slayer's Guide to Minotaurs"

By: Mongoose Publishing

Type: Magazine

Product Line: Signs & Portents Magazine (d20)

MSRP old price: $4.95

Product Info

#1 "Babylon 5 Scenario, Slayer's Guide to Minotaurs"
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Issue 1 of Signs & Portents comes bundled with a free copy of the Slayer’s Guide to Minotaurs, an exclusive release that will not be available anywhere else. This supplement takes an in-depth look at a popular monster race, introducing a detailed look at their society and habits, as well as new feats, prestige classes and sub-races specific to Minotaurs. Labyrinths will never be the same again!


Conan – Adventuring in Hyborian Age
The first ever preview of the Conan roleplaying game – this will be a monthly feature right up until the release of the game in 2004, allowing readers to join in with the playtesting of the game and add their own comments that will shape the final book!

Taking the Long Walk
Most citizens of Mega-City One are unaware of the dangers that lurk just beneath their feet. This Judge Dredd RPG article takes a look at the Undercity, one of the most dangerous areas within Mega-City One’s towering walls. Inhabitants of the Undercity are detailed, along with the Long Walk Judge prestige class, designed for characters who are looking to retire from the Justice Department and take the Law to the Lawless.

Ultimate Gameplay: Dungeon Delving
A regular feature of Signs & Portents, Ultimate Gameplay provides a themed nuts and bolts approach to characters and scenarios, providing players with a range of new ‘toys’ such as spells, equipment, feats and prestige classes. This month, we concentrate on those items that will readily aid any adventurer in the darkest dungeon.

Datafile 2089: The Nukie Browns
Providing the full history of a mercenary group with some interesting combat philosophies, this Armageddon 2089 article also covers a brand new WarMek and weapons.

Upgrades: Armor
New Meks, new transports and a new way of fighting in Armageddon 2089, designed by the friendly chaps at Mystic Eye Games!

Whispers in the Darkness
A complete scenario for the Babylon 5 RPG, the players are set against a traitor on board the diplomatic station whom they must root out at all costs – lest more lives and money be wasted. . .

Macho Women with Guns
It had to be done – here we take a quick look at Mongoose’s new RPG, featuring a world run by women who must battle tirelessly against alien and demonic invasion.

Dynamic Story Generation
Having trouble creating believable story lines beyond the dungeon? This article examines the concepts behind story generation in roleplaying games and provides the Games Master with many hints and tips in constructing entire story engines that drive a campaign.

Secrets of the Written Word
Libraries and ancient texts are a cornerstone of fantasy fiction – here we take a close look at their function within campaigns, providing Games Masters with another tool to focus the concerns of his players and their characters.

The Minbari Federation
A massive preview of the forthcoming Minbari Federation Fact Book for the Babylon 5 RPG, many new character types, vehicles and equipment are covered, allowing you to immediately enhance Minbari characters in your games.

Lone Wolf – Combat in Magnamund
Eagerly anticipated by those gamers who remember the finest gamebooks of the 80’s, this article previews the combat system for the new game, allowing players to try out the new rules for themselves!