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Artifacts & Artifice, Vol.1 (Pathfinder, POD, Standard Color)

By: Infinium Game Studio

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Infinium Game Studio)

Product Info

Artifacts & Artifice, Vol.1 (Pathfinder, POD, Standard Color)
J. Evans Payne, Bernie McCormick
NKG Part #


This is a print on demand copy and is not an original copy.

Artifacts & Artifice is a valuable GM resource for all RPG players and game/dungeon masters.

Far, far more than a simple list of magic items, AA strives to make each item unique. With extensive etymology, backstory, context, and hooks,

This inaugural tome presents 47 unique and complex magical items, each bursting with over 8 pages of content.

Specifically, each and every artifact receives the following detail:

  • Full profiles and construction requirements for 4 magic items corresponding to a range of Variable Difficulties.
  • 4 NPCs, each fully stat-blocked and scaling to Variable Difficulties.
  • History, description, appearance, and other "fluff" for flavor.
  • Over a half-dozen hooks for integrating the weapon into your campaign.
  • Handfuls of Rumors & Lore with full FlexTable rules for dynamically integrating the rumors into your campaign.
  • One or more Quests ready to run in any campaign setting, incorporating the magic item.
  • Handfuls of Quest Seeds to give GMs with more prep time inspiration.

    Some sample items from this book:

  • The Potion Gorget, an innovative leather neckpiece that lets the wearer imbibe potions quickly in combat.
  • The Vorpal Scabbard, a sheath that grants benefits to any weapon stored therein.
  • The Corset of Last Resort, a seemingly cosmetic bodice of particular use by concubines in rough neighborhoods.
  • The Mistskin Suit, a leather suit that grants incorporality effects to the wearer.