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Hollow Legions (1st Edition) (No Chapter Pages!)

By: Avalon Hill

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Advanced Squad Leader (Avalon Hill)

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Last Stocked on 2/26/2025

Product Info

Hollow Legions (1st Edition) (No Chapter Pages!)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
120 Minutes


Note: this listing does not include the Chapter H nor Chapter N pages.

This is Hollow Legions - the Italian Advanced Squad Leader module. Here is the complete order of battle for a new nationality - one never before offered in the long history of the SL/ASL systems. The Italian soldier of the Second World War has been much maligned - but is this view totally justified? How much was his performance affected by the quality of his weapons and the abilities of his small-unit leaders?

Playing Hollow Legions, which incorporates the results of extensive research on this lesser-known army and its equipment, will allow you to form your own opinion by giving you the opportunity to command every major vehicle, gun and troop-type employed by the Italians in North and East Africa, Russia, Sicily, the Balkans and Italy during World War II. The two mapboards (#s 30 and 31) contained herein depict open desert; added to those in West of Alamein, they allow you to re-create North African battles of even greater expanse than was possible with just the British module. But Hollow Legions is certainly not limited to the desert; of the eight scenarios in this module, five are set in Europe.