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Thing in the Valley, The (BX5, Anniversary Edition)

By: Pacesetter Games & Simulations

Type: Softcover

Product Line: BX Role Playing Games (Pacesetter Games & Simulations)

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MSRP old price: $20.00

Product Info

Thing in the Valley, The (BX5, Anniversary Edition)
Bill Barsh
Publish Year
NKG Part #


T1-2 The Thing in the Valley Anniversary Edition

T1 The Thing in the Valley - A terror has come to the valley community of Riversmeet. Farmers, herdsmen, and woodsmen have fallen victim to a mysterious and horrific creature. Amidst the terror, questions go unanswered -- what is this terrible fiend, where did it come from, and what is its dark purpose? The call has gone out to summon a band of adventurers to put an end to The Thing in The Valley.

T2 The Things in the Forest - The Barbarian Lord and his army emerged from the Felwood and swarmed across the land. Eventually his army failed and the greed driven invader retreated back to the wild lands of the north. He was never seen again. Many years later, a dark and horrific creature fell upon a peaceful valley many miles from the Darken Wood. Through the mystery of fate, these two events are directly linked. Now is the time to find and destroy The Things in the Forest!

The Thing in the Valley and The Things in the Forest are adventures for four to eight characters of 3rd to 5th level. This module requires the use of the Dungeon X RPG or your favorite Classic D&D rule set including OSR versions.