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Murder a la Carte - Chinese Takeout

By: Bepuzzled

Type: Puzzle

Product Line: Board Game (Bepuzzled)

Price Reduced

Product Info

Murder a la Carte - Chinese Takeout
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
18 Years and Up
# Players
6 Players
Game Length
120 Minutes


"The scene is a San Francisco townhouse filled with mementoes of Emily Boggs' days in China. The past has become present in the person of Anita Mumm. A long lost daughter? Or is she an impostor? Dinner turns deadly when Mrs Boggs' fortune cookie predicts no future.... for her."

The suspects :-

Chew Chow - Ms. Emily's cook and loyal servant for 25 years. His only humble request is to return to his homeland rich... and maybe at any cost.

Penny Sylan - A live-in nurse hired to care for Ms. Emily. Though she has a wonderful bedside manner, Penny has a history of losing her patients.

Axel Dent - Ms. Emily's chauffeur was driven crazy by her back seat driving. Did she push him to take the wrong turn on the road to life?

Lai Low - A young traditional Chinese maiden staying with Ms. Emily to learn western way. Lai has the face of innocence and purity but a heart filled with scorn.

Him Wong - A retired police detective from China who claims to have spent years searching for Ms. Emily's daughter. Has he accomplished the impossible or is he a master of illusion?

Anita Mumm - Ms. Emily's long-lost daughter... or is she? Anita bears a resemblance to the late Mr. Boggs, but is she really their missing heir or a clever con?


6 Invitations and envelopes to be sent to your guests
Character booklets for all 6 suspects, includes their roles and background information.
Cassette tape with an introduction, summary of events and the solution to the crime
Party planner booklet
6 secret clues
6 place cards