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By: Corvus Belli

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: WarCrow (28mm)

MSRP old price: $89.95

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NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


The noxious threat of the Fog looms over the world and only masterful leadership will allow your company to emerge victorious and escape a dire fate. Become a legend in Warcrow, the miniatures combat game in which your actions will mark the future of Lindwurm.

The timing is perfect. Warcrow, a star whose emergence causes the rise of magic in the world, approaches after wandering for thousands of years. The last time it appeared in the skies, the ancient elven empire, now extinct after a bloody civil war, still dominated the continent.

But the world has changed since that time...

The dominate world power is now the Hegemony of Embersig, a multicultural and dynamic empire, whose strength lies in the overwhelming military might of its fearsome Black Legion. There great rival is the human kingdom of Feudom, whose knights and priestesses see their faith in the Moon Goddesses rewarded with increasing frequent miracles.

From within the Great Forest, the Syenann, stealthy and wild elves whoa re as much a part of the environment they inhabit, peer beyond their borders for the first time. They have detected unmistakable signs of the return of their dire enemies: the brooding Scions of Yaldabaoth, who dwell in the sinuous crimson Fog that sweeps across the world, and only horror and death are found in those dreadful mists.

Beneath the surface of Lindwurm, the dwarves of Mounthaven, custodians of ancient knowledge, have been waiting for their moment for centuries: their Master Plan heralds the beginning of the Last War, which will allow them to impose the order that the world so desperately requires. Meanwhile, the brutal orcs and varank of the Northern Tribes descend from the Boreal Lands to do what they do best: hunt, plunder, and make war.

The tenuous balance in Lindwurm is fragmenting as Warcrow draws nigh. Skirmishes erupt throughout the land, as small bands of warriors set out to achieve their objectives which are as diverse as their creeds, their greed, and their political ambitions.

Be prepared to lead your company on the battlefield!