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Tobruk - Tank Battles in North Africa (BRL1192, 1st Edition)

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Tobruk - Tank Battles in North Africa (BRL1192, 1st Edition)
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In the early 1970's an innovator and ordnance expert named Harold came along and got his hands on a document unseen outside of military circles: BRL 1192. The data within became the core of the ground-breaking design that preceded every other major tactical-level system and won BOARD WARGAME OF THE YEAR, after its release. Years later, an MIT-grad and devotee named Brian came along and saw the potential of reverse-engineering the 'programmed instruction' rules, and was himself, soon in the company of a publisher named Ray, that owned the original as his first board wargame. The result is something that brings back the approach to tank vs. tank warfare, and keeps the approach true—while working in the enhancements, published and yet to be published, to create a truly unique system of recreating the war in North Africa and beyond.

Prior to his untimely passing, Harold was working on almost a daily basis with Ray and completed a collection of reports that provide ordnance vs. AFVs and other vehicles—using the exact same approach used in the original TOBRUK. While Hal's book 'Steel on Steel' was never published, these reports are the basis of a new collection of DAMAGE TABLES that will be used to portray combat beyond the confines of the original nine scenarios in the core game.

In the years since the publication of TOBRUK, a variety of other systems have come to the fore. None use the methodology found in the system founded on and represented in BRL 1192. Some enhancements to game play were introduced in the years that followed the original publication, and were embraced by the designer. These have been judiciously reviewed, and folded in, to BRL1192 to craft a new experience, devoted to but not shackled by outdated notions: yet familiar to hobbyists that enjoyed the work that preceded it all.

In addition to a complete set of rules that provides ALL the capabilities needed to depict warfare at this level in only 24 pages of rules—all assembled into a cogent rulebook—terrain appears, in keeping with Hal's past suggestions .... just minus the need to 'pencil' anything on your boards. A simple to assimilate presentation of new AFV and vehicle types make their debut in the core game... to be followed by every vehicle, AFV and weapons-system to see action in the theater.

Too many dice rolls? Solved, with a new multi-dice rolling system AND we provide the 5 dice you need with your order. Feeling bored by tanks that can't scream across the battlefield, using more movement points per turn? No brainer, the DOUBLE-TIME rules allow you to literally pump up the presentation seamlessly ... and we provide the kit you need to do it.

The old boards were not geomorphic? No, they were not. But the new ones ARE FULLY GEOMORPHIC ... and BRL 1192 is thusly, fully scalable .... in an almost infinite manner. Scroll down and nail yourself the first DT kit and get on with the most extensive desert-gaming ever, anywhere. You can literally 'feel' the long ranges involved when you stand off your DT battlefield.

Planes that get hit by AA then veer, out of control before becoming tangled wrecks on the desert battlefield? Check. Officers getting men to move along at double-time? Check. Long Range infantry fire? Yes. All to hit attempts need to secure a hit via dice roll to keep things exciting? Of course. Discrete gun and tank facings? Yes. Turret markers replacing 'side notes' to remind you which what these rather important appendages of a tank are facing? Check. And checkmate!

Ok, so before you strap on your Rommel's Goggles, you want to know: tons of records-keeping still required? No and yes! You get a glossy Roster Chart 2015 edition—use an erasable pen. But almost all records-keeping is replaced by the new markers presented ... over 500 in all ... as part of the massive counter collection provided.