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Gun & Slinger

By: Dinoberry Press

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Dinoberry Press)

Last Stocked on 8/11/2024

Product Info

Gun & Slinger
Nevyn Holmes, Emma Harvey, Sadia Bies
NKG Part #



Eons ago, the sky shattered and something ate the moon and stars. We were left with only our sun, our small cluster of planets, and a new, twisted moon. Something, birthed from the sky-eater, fell to our planet and began to twist and warp it.

It was the end of our world before anyone living now can remember.

Many generations later, the remnants of our people wander the twisted land and fight the bioluminescent night-crawling creatures as they search the ruins of our castles and cities for ancient magic and technology to help us survive. The brave and hopeful of us work to keep our pocket-sized towns together and alive.

Now, so many years after our stars were devoured, you head into the world with a gun at your side.

I hope you find what you’re looking for.

With your friend, a gun, at your side...

GUN&SLINGER is an RPG about a weapon and a wanderer. A Maestro and two players (Gun and Slinger) set out into a dead planet mutated by a god's forgotten child and hunt strange bounties, investigate the world, and unlock hidden powers. During play, they seek to learn the nature of what’s hunting the Slinger, figure out why the Gun is sentient, and discover how the world died.