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Stranger Stuff - Even More Stranger Stuff (POD)

By: Fat Goblin Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Fat Goblin Games)

Last Stocked on 8/16/2024

Product Info

Stranger Stuff - Even More Stranger Stuff (POD)
Lucas Palosaari
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Kids love Stuff.

I mean, yes — children, in general, love “things” — but in a game of Stranger Stuff we specifically use the concept of Stranger Stuff as the game's “extraordinary items” (aka “magic items”). And what we really meant was that your Players’ characters (aka their Kids) always want MORE STUFF — So we’ll give it to ‘em!

Included in this book are 27 all-new items to give your Player’s Kids in-game to aid them in their adventures. But that’s not all, we’ve also combed over every book released as of now to extract the 61 pre-existing Stuff or Stuff-adjacent “things” in previously published books (including the original core rulebook) — all so you could have one easy reference for all the Stuff you want to give your Kids in-game!

While we have included all the Stuff, and when applicable “pertinent rules” applicable to them as needed, we should outright note that this book and its Stuff is not a replacement for having the related books. Often Stuff from a book references rules exclusive to that book or setting — like an item being able to be used as a Witch’s Focus in their Witchcraft — and that’s a concept too far outside the scope of this book to include fully.

At the same time, “interactions” between rules from multiple sources can become more apparent and interesting by having all the Stuff in one place — so your mileage may indeed vary.

This book is for use with the TinyD6 edition of Stranger Stuff from Fat Goblin Games!