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Fairy Trails (POD, Premium Color)

By: Mirth Drake

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Mirth Drake)

Product Info

Fairy Trails (POD, Premium Color)
Luke Haer
NKG Part #


Hello and thank you for checking out this little ol' 198-page book. You might be saying to yourself "Fairies! I love fairies! I've always wanted to play a game that centers entirely on tiny little fairies and the magical shenanigans they get up to." Well, if that's what you're saying to yourself then look no farther because this is almost definitely the game for you. With this book, you'll be able to quickly craft and play a bajillion fun sessions where you and your group go on fun little missions playing quirky little fairies. But enough of this fanfare, let's get a list that tells you what's in the book!

This is a fast-paced game. Character progression is quick and each session is very well contained. This game is perfectly suitable for children of any age provided they can read, write, and won't try to eat the dice.

Powered By the Apocolypse World Engine: Fairy Trails uses the PBTA World Engine when it comes to dice and rolling and the whole general system.

13 Types of Fairies: In the book, the types of Fairies are called Kith. Most of them are based on old-timey fairies but there are one or two newish types in there (you can see most of them all if you click on the Preview).

13 Playbooks: In the book, the Playbooks are called Courts. You know, like Fairy Courts. These don't work exactly like most PBTA Playbooks, there are a few tweaks in them (you can see most of them all if you click on the Preview).

Extremely Cooperative Story Creating System: Fairy Trails was crafted with the idea that the whole group would engage in telling a story together. The GM (we call the GM the Driver in this game) is given story elements by each player (we call players Fairies in this game) at the beginning of a session that they have to try to incorporate into the story. There's lots of other stuff too, but the whole system does its best to make sure everyone is involved in the story-telling process.

Sized-Based Combat Mechanics: When Fairies Ruckus size is what counts the most, and that's what the system reflects. Combats are usually fast, non-lethal and very fun/silly.

Moves and Magic!: Fairies get Moves (Geasa) associated with their Court. Each Court also has a less specific magical ability. The Moves (Geasa) are pretty straightforward about what they do but the magical abilities are very open for players to play with.

4 Maps with lots of places!: There are four maps in the book, each with various places Fairies can go, each map has 16 adventure hooks with it. That gives you a total of 50+ adventure hooks!

Unlocking Stuff: As your Fairies progress so does the place you live. By playing the game, you can gradually unlock new Playbooks (Courts) and other bonuses for your current character and all characters that come after them!

Rivals: A list of Rivals Fairies are likely to run into and some ideas on how to play them and how they would fight. You'll also get a huge list of Rival abilities so you can customize encounters to you're liking!

Puck's Lottery: A unique take in rerolling that pushes your luck and can have some amazingly magically disastrous consequences.