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Facing the Titan (POD, Black & White)

By: Nicolas Ronvel

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Nicolas Ronvel)

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MSRP old price: $14.00

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Facing the Titan (POD, Black & White)
Nicolas Ronvel
Publish Year
NKG Part #


This is a print on demand copy and is not an original copy.

Facing the Titan is a GM-less, zero-prep roleplaying game, for one-shots games of about 3 hours. It has been designed and playtested for groups of 3 to 5 people. A solo mode is also available.

You will play the Company, a group of heroes whose fate is to face the colossal Titan. And to destroy it!

You will only need something to write with and on, and two dices: a white one and a black one. Based on Swords Without Master (by Epidiah Ravachol), the game system will get you to tell the journey of your Companion to the final clash against the Titan in a series of five distinct Phases:

The Companions Phase, where we meet the characters of this epic story
The Titan Phase, where we learn about the Titan
The World Phase, where we talk about the journeys of the Companions
The Preparation Phase, where the Companions expose their plan
The Clash Phase, where the Companions go against the Titan