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Product Info

Electronic Mexican Train Game
NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 8 Players
Game Length
20 Minutes


During game play, each player picks a certain number of dominoes to start the game. The object is to form a path called a train that starts from the games electronic center hub. The player who plays the center domino plays off the twelve dominos to start their train. If they don’t have a move, they take a domino from the leftovers pile.

If the new domino doesn’t have a play, that player marks their train open with a train marker. Once each player has started their train, they can either play on their own train, start the "Mexican" train in one of the empty slots by playing off the center domino or play on another player’s train if it has a train marker.

Each round lasts until a player has played all their dominoes and receives a score of (0) for that round. The other players count their remaining domino values for their round score. Points from all 13 rounds are tallied at the end and the lowest score wins! The winner of the game then gets the honor of pressing the center domino to hear the "Toot Toot" from the electronic game hub.