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Wizard's Scroll, The #1

By: Seattle Hill Games

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Role Playing Games (Seattle Hill Games)

Last Stocked on 7/23/2024

Product Info

Wizard's Scroll, The #1
NKG Part #


The Wizard's Scroll is a new Swords & Wizardry fanzine.

Within you will find all manner of excellent gaming material by some truly creative fans of the game.

  • 2 Races: The Testudo (tortoise men) and Ratfolk
  • A Spell: Binding Familiars
  • An NPC for Carcosa
  • 4 Monsters: The Skin Bag, Lightning Monk, Shield Guardian and the Abominable Beastman
  • 7 Magic Items: Including Zum Kali’s Ancient Sword of Bone and the Claws of Carcajou
  • 2 Adventures: The Demon-Shattered Tower (levels 2-3) and The Bandit Caves of Cyrus Blacknail (low level)
  • A Fantastic Location: The Wizard’s Tower
  • Optional Rules: Critical Hits and Basic Skills
  • A Recipe: How to Cook a Halfling
  • So put on your reading glasses (if you need them) and settle down in a comfortable chair. For the Wizards of the Scroll have cast an arcane ritual of "Read Magic" enabling the secrets of the Scroll to be read by all, for the very first time.

    Swords & Wizardry, S&W, WhiteBox, and Mythmere Games are the trademarks of Matthew J. Finch. Seattle Hill Games is not affiliated with Matthew J. Finch or Mythmere Games.