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Treasure Map

By: Project Danger

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Card Games (Project Danger)

Last Stocked on 6/26/2024

Product Info

Treasure Map
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Treasure Map uses 16 unique double-sided cards. One side of the cards is used to layout the island. There is treasure hidden somewhere on this island. Then players use the other side (the map-side) of the card to play one of the several different ways to play.

Game Mode: Treasure Island
One every space of the island without an icon, place a coin. The each player chooses a space with an icon and places their pawn on it.

Then players take turns playing cards, and choosing on of the available actions from the card.
Move to the icon - move your pawn to the icon on the card, if this cause your pawn to move in a straight line then pick up any coins passed along the way
Move steps - move your pawn one space for each set of footprints on the card, picking up any coins passed along the way
Pick up via strokes - for each stroke on the card, pick up one coin from an adjacent space
First one to 12 coins wins.

Game Mode: Gentlemen Pirates
Each player takes one card and looks at the icon on the map-side of the card. This is where they treasure is hidden.

Players then asking yes or no questions to try to locate each others' hidden treasure.

Example questions:
Is you treasure hidden next to a red icon?
Is your treasure hidden on the coast of the island?
Is you treasure hidden by a palm tree or a lighthouse?

Players take turns asking a question, the first one to figure out where their opponent's treasure is hidden wins!