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Codex Sinarum

By: Troll Lord Games

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Castles & Crusades - Core Rules

Last Stocked on 6/15/2024

Product Info

Codex Sinarum
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From a history of that ancient land of verdant forests and beautiful mountains, to the mythologies surrounding its creation and the gods who carved it from the ether, the realms they ruled and the monsters they commanded. This is the Codex Sinarum. Mr. Young breaks the book into six parts:

  • From the Age of Ancestors: The history from the Prehistoric era to the Song Dynasty (960 to 1247 C.E) is covered. The Mythic history starts from the Creation by Yu Di (‘The Jade Emperor’), to other Creation tales, Battles and events leading to the Shang Dynasty.
  • In Lands of Legend and Power: This chapter covers the ever –changing borders of Ancient China and its ambitious Dynasties. Either by the hand of its great generals or by those of the invaders, many lands are covered. Magical, divine and celestial lands, mountains and isles from legend are in this chapter.
  • Walk Beasts and Mighty Beings Alike: The plethora of creatures and entities from Chinese tales and mythology fill this chapter.
  • Of Gods Benign and Maleficent Who Gaze Upon All: The many deities from Chinese belief, from the furthest Antiquity up to the Yuan Dynasty, as well as the calendrical systems.
  • Enchanted Wizards and Wise Hermits: The ancient complex systems of sorcery, spell-craft and fortune-telling comes alive in this chapter. From eccentric wizards, to the reclusive wise-men who live in strange places, this section elaborates it all. The concept of Qi, and its use as an ability, and the rules, are included in this chapter as well.
  • Warriors Swift of Limb and Blade: This chapter covers the Chinese warrior and soldier from the earliest period to the Yuen Dynasty. It also covers the Core Martial Art system for Castles & Crusades, from the Qi, Wuxia, Wulin and Wushu.

    This book unleashes a world of gaming potential for your gaming table!