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Man, Myth & Magic Vol. 14

By: Marshall Cavendish

Type: Hardcover

Product Line: Man, Myth & Magic (Marshall Cavendish)

Product Info

Man, Myth & Magic Vol. 14
Richard Cavendish
Publish Year
NKG Part #


This is a very rare and highly unique Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural and the Paranormal. Each individual volume has extensive ancient artwork, illustrations and current photographs. These are 1st Edition, 24 complete volumes printed in 1970. It covers every subject you can imagine or think of, PLUS much more. The most complete series of information ever printed and published to this present day. These volumes contain and include everything from: Astrology, Astral Projection, Ritual Magic from all cultures, Qabbalah, Witchcraft, Divination, Shamanism, gods and goddesses of all Ancient and Modern day religions, ESP (extra-sensory perception), The Phiosophers' Stone, the Holy Grail, The Elixir of Life, Fairies, Elves, Tarot, Gnosticism, Hand of Glory, Hermes Trismegistus, Homoeopathic Magic, Immortality, Incarnation, Philosophies from different societies, Horse Whisperers, Dances and Myths of American Indians, Kundalini (Hinduism), Landscape Symbolism, Eliphis Levi, Lesser Key of Solomon, Macrocosm and Microcosm, Magic Squares, Tantra, Psychic Abilities, Theosophy, Merlin, Mermaids and Mermen, Monsters and Mythical Beasts, Nature Mysticism, Numerology, Occultism, Illuminati, Pagan (definition), Path Symbolism ( the way, the road and the journey), Psychological Theories, Plants and Flowers, Prehistoric Religion, Predestination and Free Will, Rasputin, Runes, Schizophrenia, Science Fiction, Selfhood, Shape-shifting, Snowshoe Dancing (Chippewa Indians), Symbolism, Telkinesis, Telepathy (Thought Transference), Transubstantiation, Tree of Life, UFOs, United States of America, Universe, Vegetation Spirits, VooDoo, A.E. Waite, Aleister Crowley, The Golden Dawn, Wicca, Malcom X, Yin and Yang, W.B. Yeats, I Ching, Dragons, Yoga, Zen Buddhism, Zodiac, Zombies, Zoroastrianism, and MUCH, MUCH MORE, with thousands of other topics as well. These books are graphic, detailed, informative and conclusive going back to the beginning of history through the present times.

In this volume:
  • Mexico and Central America-New Guinea