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Loco Lingo - Kindergarten


Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Learning (Haba)

Last Stocked on 5/11/2024

Product Info

Loco Lingo - Kindergarten
Product Line
Hajo Bucken
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
3 Years and Up
# Players
1 - 6 Players
Game Length
5 Minutes


Loco Lingo Kindergarten is a collection of five word-related games that are played with 12 cards showing items, 3 wooden figures and 1 color die.

The games are:
  • Warm-Up: Not really a game, but an activity to identify all the cards and figures, so that all the children know what everything is.

  • Grab It!: The game leader reads out a story. Whenever an object is mentioned that corresponds with one of the cards or figures, the children should grab that card or figure from the table. If they take the correct item, they get to keep it. Whomever has the most items at the end of the story wins the game.

  • Focus Pocus!: Six random cards and/or figures are placed on the table. The game leader reads out a story. Whenever an object is mentioned that corresponds with one of the cards or figures that is not in the table, the children should react by saying "it's in the box". The first player to do so, gets an item from the table. Whenever an object is mentioned that corresponds with one of the cards or figures that is already held by one of the players, the children should react by saying "it's already gone". The first player to do so, gets an item from the table. Whomever has the most items at the end of the story wins the game.

  • Stories about Kindergarten: In turn, each player choose a figure and draw a card. They then tell a short story about that figure and the item on the card. The card is then placed facedown next to the figure. This continues until there are four cards in front of each figure. Then, the players take turn rolling the die. They then have to remember what item is on the first card next to the figure corresponding to the color rolled. If they guess correctly, they get to keep the card. Whomever has the most cards at the end of the story wins the game.

  • What does it do?: In turn, each player chooses a card and describes what you can do with the item on the card. The other players then guess what card is being described. Whomever guesses correctly gets to keep the card. The game continues until only three cards are left. Whomever has the most cards at the end of the story wins the game.