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Aufstrag Level 1 - The Bone Pit

By: Troll Lord Games

Type: Module

Product Line: After Winter Dark

Last Stocked on 2/7/2024

Product Info

Aufstrag Level 1 - The Bone Pit
Product Line
Stephen Chenault
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


Aufstrag is the iron will of evil. It is a house of terror where dwell the shadows of Darkness, named the Fell Beast, Unklar, the Horned God. From that bastion he ruled the world of Aihrde for a thousand years. Those long centuries saw Aufstrag grow into an edifice like to a mountain and one filled with all the nightmares and shadows of his, nay, the world's despair.

Over three thousand feet tall and a thousand wide, it is a catacomb of unbelievable dimensions. Tron from the ruins of glorious Al Liosh, lifted on high by his very might, it stands a heap of slag, dominating the sprawling swamps that cove the ruins of the old world. Aufstrag is a tower of fortresses but so great its size, it is more like to a city than ought else. But there dwelt the Horned God for his long reign and to it came the damned and he housed them in dungeons of horror and madness. And thus men call it, more than the pit of the Horned God, or his city, or his throne, men call it Hell and so it is.

The Bone Pit is the beginning of the journey into Aufstrag, comprising the first level of the dread tower's 21 levels hell. All you must do now is pass beneath the Aghon Den, the Maw of Darkness and yourjJourney begins.