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Interface Red - Vol. 2 (POD, Premium Color)

By: R. Talsorian

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Cyberpunk Red (R. Talsorian)

Last Stocked on 9/9/2024

Product Info

Interface Red - Vol. 2 (POD, Premium Color)
Publish Year
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This is a print on demand copy and is not an original copy.

Night City’s voracious, choomba! It needs more places, more people, more things. More! More! More! It’s never satisfied and you aren’t either. Your campaigns can always use a little something extra to push it right over the Edge.

That’s what Interface RED is all about. In this second volume you’ll find a collection of short articles custom-crafted to improve your Cyberpunk RED experience. We’ve featured many of these articles on our website as free DLC for you to download to your data storage device of choice but this is the first time we’ve collected them into a single book! Plus, we’ve thrown in a new, exclusive article. The time has come to live your furry/scaly/finny/elfy dreams to the fullest!

Volume 2 of Interface RED adds the following to your Cyberpunk RED game.

  • Hardened Mooks & Hardened Lieutenants. If your Crew’s all about the combat, you’ll need these tougher opponents to hit harder, shoot straighter, and stab deeper.
  • Night City Weather. Get the atmosphere of Night City just right with this complete system for generating weather, with rules for everything from mild days to Blood Rain soaked nights.
  • Jumpstart Kit Conversion Guide. Take the Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit missions to the next level with this conversion guide to the full core rules.
  • Cargo Containers & Cube Hotels. Twenty new places to live, designed to fit perfectly into any Edgerunner’s budget.
  • Daeric Sylar’s Guide to Elflines Online. You’ve got the rules for playing Night City’s most popular MMO. Now, you’ll have a full list of dungeons, settlements, and raids, plus a whole bunch of monsters to throw at your digital players.
  • The 12 Days of Gunmas. S.A.N.T.A.’s visited Short Circuit and brought with them a sack full of classic weapons updated for Cyberpunk RED!
  • Exotics of 2045. Bring out your inner beast or true fantasy self with Biotechnica’s Bioexotics® line. With seventeen packages and the rules for treatment, there’s nothing you can’t become!