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Treasure by Torchlight

By: Dr. Trash Games

Type: Boxed Game

Product Line: Board Games (Dr. Trash Games)

Last Stocked on 11/16/2023

Product Info

Treasure by Torchlight
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
12 Years and Up
# Players
1 Players
Game Length
30 - 60 Minutes


Treasure by Torchlight is a single player dungeon exploration game. The dungeon tiles are shaped like puzzle pieces. They can fit together seamlessly and allow for dungeons to be randomly generated and unique. As you explore you’ll encounter enemies and treasure, but you’ll also be running out of fuel for your torch. If your torch goes out while in a dungeon things will suddenly get significantly worse, so keep that torch LIT!


One of the main mechanics of this game is the modular character tracker. Players can choose one of three Heroes to take into the dungeon, each with their own special abilities. This allows players to change up their exploration strategies and find ones that work with their gameplay style. As you level up your character you’ll swap out the HP, Attack, and Torch sections of the tracker for ones that give you more abilities and strength. Leveling up actively changes how the tracker looks and functions by giving you more slots and options with each new level.


Before venturing into dungeons you can buy and sell items at the Shop. Going into a dungeon prepared is extremely important. Success in a dungeon is not a guarantee and quests can go wrong very quickly. If you lose all your HP while in a dungeon you’ll lose all items and loot you’ve collected on that run! Having the right items for the quest is a crucial aspect of the gameplay experience. And not only do you get a bonus for completing a quest successfully, but the shopkeeper will even put items on sale for half off!


Players fight monsters by alternating rolling a dice with 3 outcomes. Depending on the outcome determines the strength of the attack and what status effects might afflict you. Enemy cards include a second attack that gets unlocked when you reach a higher level so that enemies scale with your leveling up progression. High level enemies also get shuffled into the deck as you level up. The ultimate goal is to take out a Boss, but doing so at a low level would be extremely dangerous!


While games can be quick and fast paced, you may not be able to complete the entire game in a single sitting. A journal card is included that you can write on with a dry erase marker that allows you to record your XP and money, so you can return to your game at a later date and continue where you left off!


36 Dungeon Tiles, 3 Status effect tiles, 1 Campfire tile, 1 Tent tile, 1 Quest tracker, 1 Character tracker (modular), 6 HP modules, 6 Torch modules, 6 Attack modules, 4 Domino mats, 7 Copper cards, 14 Gold cards, 7 Platinum cards, 21 Treasure cards, 21 Enemy cards, 20 Shop cards, 1 Boss card, 1 Journal card, 3 Character stands, 8 cubes to track stats, 1 Dry erase marker, 1 D6 betrayal dice, 1 D6, 1 Instruction manual