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For Whom the Dice Rolls

By: Wargaming for Grown-ups

Type: Softcover

Product Line: Miniature Rules (Wargaming for Grown-ups)

Last Stocked on 10/25/2023

Product Info

For Whom the Dice Rolls
Graham Evans
Publish Year
NKG Part #


The so-called "testing ground for WW2", the Spanish Civil War deserves interest in its own right. More famous for the non-Spaniards who fought, from the International Brigade volunteers, who went to fight fascism, to the "Condor Legion" supplied by Hitler, and Mussolini's CTV who backed Franco and the Generals' coup, the Spanish Civil War was a life and death struggle for the ordinary Spaniard which still casts its long shadow today.

"For Whom the Dice Rolls" is a set of rules for Brigade/Divisional level actions on a regular wargames table, from 6' x 4' upwards. Designed mainly for 15mm figures (using figure base sizes from other popular "modern" rule sets), they are adaptable to other scales. They were written specifically for the SCW and were not developed as an add on or modification to existing WW1 or WW2 systems, with the intention of capturing the unique problems faced by each side whilst highlighting the tactical development that took place during the conflict.

A unique command system, using conventional playing cards, forces players to make critical choices every turn. Is now the time for dynamic action or caution? Will it be possible to form a coordinated all-arms attack or will command and control breakdown at the last minute. The combat systems are quick and easy to apply, and enable the full range of outcomes, from a complete breakthrough to the bickering fire fight, or the victorious bayonet charge to the bloody repulse. Armor may be a battle winning weapon, but without its infantry support it is vulnerable to any infantry group with grenades or petrol bombs.

Rules include full explanations and examples, typical orbits, a bibliography, background information of the armies and their weapons and a health dollop of eye candy. They are also supported by a free downloadable resources pack.