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By: Button Shy Games

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Card Games (Button Shy)

Price Reduced

Product Info

NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
2 - 3 Players
Game Length
20 Minutes


SpaceShipped -- A solo space trading game of buying and selling resources, upgrading your ship, crew, and equipment, dealing with marauders, and making deals. A card game with over 30 random events, 4 types of ship, 4 sets of crew members, and 8 different pieces of equipment to install, all using only 18 cards packed neatly in a little wallet.

Your goal: Make enough money through your buying and selling of resources to be able to afford two very expensive exotic stones (three if you're really daring). At the same time, you're trying to do it, marauders are working hard to collect them as well. If they get to them first, or if your ship takes enough damage, you lose.

As if the pressure from the marauders wasn't enough, on each turn, you'll pilot your ship to different planets, experiencing random encounters, solar winds, and violent attacks. Spend too much time repairing your ship and the pirates will steal the crystals first, but don't repair your ship enough and it will likely be destroyed by these attacks. Hire the right crew, buy the right ship, fit your ship with the right equipment, and you just might make it out of the galaxy alive.