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Product Info

Go (1994 Edition)
Product Line
Publish Year
NKG Part #
Age Range
8 Years and Up
# Players
2 Players
Game Length
30 - 180 Minutes


Go is the oldest and one of the most popular strategic board games in the world. It has been played throughout the Orient for thousands of years buy millions of people. According to one account, it was invented by the Chinese emperor Yao around 2300 BC. The Japanese adopted Go by the eighth century AD, and it became a key part of everyday life for them. In feudal Japan, skill at Go was considered one of the four essential accomplishments of a person of culture. Known as Wei Shi in China and Baduk in Korea, we in the western world call the game by a variation on its Japanese name, I Go.

Go is easy to learn. Children can learn the game quickly. Mast the rules in a few minutes, but devote a lifetime to exploring Go’s depths and subtleties.

Played with elliptical black and white stones on an open grid, Go starts with the simplest elements – line and circle, black and white- and builds into a deep and complex structures. It’s a game played on a grand scale, not a sing battle buy a series – and entire war. A game of Go can be a titanic struggle, complex mathematics, or an experience of beautiful shapes and forms, but above all it is fun!