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1942 - Defense of France, The

By: Avalanche Press

Type: Ziplock

Product Line: Panzer Grenadier - Ziplocks

Last Stocked on 11/18/2023

Product Info

1942 - Defense of France, The
Publish Year
NKG Part #


When France fell to the Germans in June 1940, she possessed a strong force of tanks and armored vehicles – many of them technologically superior to those of the Germans. Yet even better tanks and guns had been designed. Some of these existed as prototypes, and some had even entered production but had not reached front-line troops in significant numbers.

1942: The Defense of France gives the French Army the chance to deploy these weapons against the German invaders. The high-velocity 47mm APX anti-tank gun did appear in time for the 1940 campaign, but only in very small numbers – not enough to influence the course of the campaign. That’s not the case here, and the French also receive the planned new versions of the Somua S35 medium tank (the S41), Char B1bis heavy tank (the B1ter) and the new AMX38 light tank, all armed with the tank version of the APX gun and with larger turrets and crews than the earlier models.

1942: The Defense of France is a supplement for Panzer Grenadier: 1940 The Fall of France. It is not a complete game: ownership of 1940 and Kursk: Burning Tigers is necessary to play all of the 10 scenarios included. 1942: The Defense of France also includes 88 playing pieces.