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Last Stocked on 8/12/2023

Product Info

Across the Po Valley
Publish Year
NKG Part #


Wargamer and author Tom Garnett provides a view into a lesser known campaign where the successes of Napoleon Bonaparte in his brilliant 1796-1797 campaign were wiped out in 1799 by an equally brilliant campaign led by the Russian hero Marshal Alexander Suvorov. Twelve battle scenarios, ranging from northeast to southwest northern Italy, tracks the sweep of the Russian-Austrian coalition against their French opponents. Each scenario comes with a detailed battle map, a complete order of battle with unit labels, and special rules and content you need to set up and play each game.

  • French Attack at Pozzo, Battle of Magnano
  • Russian Attack at Lecco, Battle of Adda River Line
  • Austrian Attack at Vaprio, Battle of Cassano
  • French Attack , Clash at Bassignana
  • French Attack at San Giuliano Vecchio,
  • Battle of 1st Marengo
  • French Morning Attack, Battle of Tidone Creek
  • Coalition Counterattack, Battle of Tidone Creek
  • Coalition Right Column Attack, Battle of Trebbia
  • French Right-Wing Attack, Battle of Trebbia
  • Austrian Right-Wing Attack, Battle of Novi
  • Russian Attack Against Novi, Battle of Novi
  • Morning Meeting Engagement, Battle of Genola

    This book only provides scenario information and some additional rules modifications designed for a variant of the Regimental Fire and Fury rules system. The basic rulebook is needed to play these scenarios.