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Last Stocked on 11/24/2024

Product Info

Better Than Any Man (2nd Printing)
Publish Year
NKG Part #
MFG. Part #


In the middle of a catastrophic war, one group of women has taken control of a ravaged city and declared "No more war." Deposing the ruling elite and establishing their own government, they have made enemies of everyone in power - the Emperor on his far-off throne, the invading army, and the religious and merchant classes of their own city - while the impoverished masses support none of them. Events are in motion that cannot be stopped, but the final outcome of these events will be decided by an unlikely group of adventurers who stumble upon the situation at just the wrong time.

Better than Any Man details what happens when the Player Characters stumble into a situation on the verge of a complete breakdown. Will they get involved? Who will they support? Will they survive? Will they find a way to profit in this ruined state?

Thousands will die, and tens of thousands more lives will be ruined. The laws of God and nature will be violated. What happens here will never be forgotten by those who witness it, no matter how much they try... Welcome to No Man's Land.

Oh, yeah, did I mention the usurpers are all sorcerers and half of them lair in dungeons? And an ancient evil is taking this opportunity to strike?

Although the adventure will use the historical Thirty Years War as the backdrop to the adventure, it will be easily adaptable to your fantasy campaign milieu.